
Monuments and markers are offered in a variety of colors in granite, marble and/or bronze. They can be from domestic quarries or imported from other countries such as Canada, China or India. Typically the size of the monument is determined by lot size and location within the cemetery. Roessler & Sons is knowledgeable with cemetery rules and regulations and can guide you when it is time to order the memorial. Color choice, finish and designs are usually decided by the customer as well as the font style and layout. Our showroom and yard display show many of the granite varieties and design catalogs for your perusal. This website shows just a sampling of what we offer.

Choosing a memorial for a loved on is often a process where we symbolize things of importance to those who have passed. Whether it be the color, a particular flower, religious symbol or other design, helps us remember and reflect on things about him or her. Our years of experience can help you with the decisions that need to be made in regards to design and placement. We take the time needed to work with customers so that they do not feel rushed and to ensure that they are satisfied with what they have chosen. A computer print out is created for approval before any ordering is done. This allows the customer to make any changes they may want.